


 “We are pleased to welcome you

into our community

and together with our affection

we offer you a program

that wants to make you a man.


It is not merely enough to change one’s behavior or external habits, you have to change the very depths of your being, to bring out all the richness of your person.


Your confused life has brought you to a lack of clarity for the meaning of your life, a lack of accountability and communication, to loneliness.

The emptiness and the apathy have turned off your “being” to the point of making you feel nothing; you feel like a vegetable.

The good news is that today we can tell you that you can change, you can and you must re-emerge, shouting to the world that you are alive and happy to be so.


To regain your confidence

it is important that you know yourself,

to make clarity of your life,

that you accept your responsibilities

and that you learn to communicate with others.


It will be like re-igniting the fire that was sleeping under the ashes.


The principles, the rules, the encounters, the meetings and the confrontation with others will help you along the way.


You will no longer flee when faced with the daily inconveniences of life.

They will finally have a name

And you will soon discover your “self worth”.

You will find your “self-confidence”.

And these will clarify the meaning and purpose of your existence.


Our life together

wants to be

an answer to the loneliness and the suffering,

to your feeling of inadequacy:

each person possesses an absolute value,

unique and unrepeatable,

that should be welcomed and helped without prejudices or reservations

and this you must believe also for yourself.


Come on, if you want to, and you will no longer be alone!"

p. Matteo

